Instituto del Corcho, la Madera y el Carbón Vegetal (ICMC- IPROCOR). Gobierno de Extremadura
Francisco Javier Yuste Córdoba /
Mª José Trinidad Lozano /
+34 924003100
This project boosts the overall sustainability of the cork boiling process, integrating the use of renewable energies with eco-efficiency and cost-effectiveness parameters, while generating by-products of potential commercial value.
It is expected to achieve the following results:
Computación y Tecnologías Avanzadas de Extremadura (COMPUTAEX).
José Luis González Sánchez (CénitS - Computaex)
+34 927 659 317
In this project simulations of different climate models at 5, 10, 20 and 30 years into the future will be developed and the existing correlations between climate factors and green energy productivity in EUROACE will be studied in order to make decisions in various fields.
This work consists of: