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CRIT. Centre for Research and Technological Innovation


 The Centre for Research and Technological Innovation (CRIT)  was founded with the name "Laboratorio Ricerche" in 1930 in Turin, Italy. It has been in the present building, in Corso Giambone 68, since 1960. Then it was named "Centro Ricerche" and, in October 1999 became the "Centro Ricerche e Innovazione Tecnologica". At the beginning, its objectives were the design and the implementation of new systems and equipment, not available on the market. Major changes in the telecommunications scenario stimulated the transformation of the Centre. In the recent past, it has received acknowledgements at an international level for its contributions to the study and standardisation of systems for digital coding of audio and video signals, and the development of signal compression techniques on which the present transmission and recording systems for video signals are based,as well as the definition of broadcasting and transmission DVB standards.



  • Ciencia
  • Investigación
  • Tecnología