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Centres, Infrastructure and Calls Catalogue

To provide value to research resources (human, infrastructure and knowledge) on both sides of the border, Science and Technology Catalogues need to be continuously updated, which in this second phase are being expanded with the creation of new catalogues containing other information related to R&D+i not included in the first phase, such as calls for projects, mobility of researchers, training, etc.

         Thus, with a view to expand information services which as of date are available on the website of RITECA network, and in order to provide researchers as many tools as possible to carry out their activities, FUNDECYT designs two Call Catalogues: one covering Spanish calls and the covering European calls. These catalogues would provide all the required information to make the right choice in funding sources for potential research projects. The aim of this catalogue is to regularly update researchers on the various calls available both in Spain and in the European Union. The tasks to be carried out towards this purpose are:

  • To sort out calls and standardise information as per the format set for each catalogue.
  • To load information corresponding to each catalogue.
  • To regularly update the catalogues to ensure complete and accurate information.
  • To analyse and collect various calls from Spain and Europe.