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Legal Notice - RITECA Proyect

These General Terms and Conditions govern access, browsing and use of this Website. This Website and all its content and rights thereupon, including texts, images, sound and any other type of material are the property of RITECA project or of third parties owners.


1. General terms and conditions of use 

  • Services and information offered through RITECA portal are completely free of charge.
  • RITECA team may at any time and without notice, modify the General Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as any Specific conditions which may be established. These terms include changes, updates on the information contained on the website or its configuration or presentation, as well as temporarily suspend access to the portal at their discretion or temporary basis.
  • This website allows you to make queries and procedures requiring electronic access through Internet for users interested in the services offered by RITECA project activities.
  • Changes to the website or its content are strictly prohibited. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of these works, unless it is for personal and private use, unless for personal and private use, constitutes a breach of the intellectual property rights of the Community of Extremadura or or the owners of such materials. Furthermore, all brand names, brands and distinguishing logos of whatever nature available on the website are protected by law.
  • Users must access the Website and use the content pursuant to prevailing legislation at any given time and according to generally accepted practices, moral integrity and in good faith. Users shall not be able to use this website for any improper or unlawful purpose or prohibited by these terms of use, any behaviour that may be damaging to RITECA project or to any other third party is strictly forbidden.

2. Disclaimer

  • The coordination team of RITECA does not assume any liability for any damage or injury which may arise from Internet problems external to the project such as computer virus, breakdowns, disconnections, that prevent or delay provision of services or browsing through the System, as well as those caused by third parties through illegitimate interference.
  • The coordination team staff of RITECA ensures that this information is exact and precise, and updates it as rapidly as possible, endeavouring to avoid errors and correcting them as soon as they are detected. However, RITECA cannot guarantee the absence of errors nor that the content of the information is continuously updated.
  • Access to the Website as well as the use that is made of the information therein is the exclusive responsibility of the user. RITECA team will not hold itself liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may be derived from said access or use of the information, except for any cases resulting from the application of the legal provisions that it is required to fulfil in the strict performance of its activities.
  • RITECA website offers some services to users through passwords such as document management tools, multi-videoconference or on-line courses. The consequences derived from the use by third parties, its incorrect use, loss or forgotten secret access code of the user's password or the user name is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the users themselves.
  • The user undertakes to make diligent use of and not to provide their Access Keys to third parties and to notify the coordination team of its loss or any possible access to it by a third party.
  • Improper or unauthorised use of the information contained on this Website, as well as the damages that may be incurred by the intellectual property rights of the Administration of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura shall give rise to all pertinent legal action corresponding to the said Administration and, where appropriate, the liabilities arising from such action.

3. General Data Protection

  • The user authorises the processing of personal data voluntarily provided. Likewise, the user shall be liable for the veracity of the data supplied and the RITECA project team reserves the right to exclude any user who has submitted false data from the services he or she has registered for, notwithstanding any other actions applicable under the Law.
  • Data provided by any user shall be used with the sole and exclusive purposes of compiling statistics and dissemination lists on news, content and project activities.
  • In compliance with the provisions of Constitutional Law 15/1999, users have and may exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose by sending an email to, through the contact section on the website itself or by notifying the project coordination team via telephone.