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R&D+i Interconection

Task 1.- Training and mobility for scientific excellence

To conduct courses on project preparation for European calls, innovation protection, etc.

To create a mobility tool for researchers offering internships and stays for promoting the exchange of researchers and a catalogue of training courses, both in specific techniques, as well as Master's and Doctoral degree training programmes and Post-Graduate studies. Although this catalogue on training potential towards research and technology development will pay special attention to the offers from its own Network members, it will be extended to other high-level research groups and centres from other regions of Spain and Portugal with a purpose to facilitate stable interconnection between groups and assess to high-level R&D training potential in both countries within the international community.

  1. A database of researchers will be created from all the numerous research groups pertaining to various centres present in RITECA.
  2. All the researchers shall be notified of the possibility to upload their curriculum to the tool facilitating "mobility of researchers" and the methodology to accomplish it, as well as the necessary help so that all the researchers can successfully add their CV.
  3. The centres which are part of RITECA can post their search for researchers in order to fill up vacancies offered by them. Hence, designated persons in each centre shall be informed about the procedure on how to use the tool and assistance shall be provided to them to successfully add the vacancies.
  4. Researchers and centres shall be regularly informed about the tool utilities and the update requirements that need to be carried out.
Task 2.- Sports innovation

The carrying out of two specialised training activities at the university level by the Directorate General for Sports, with the recognition of academic credits, aimed at the exploration of potential of EUROACE related to physical sports activity and its relation with health, leisure, or the activity of leisure and recreation companies.

Two training courses, one on-line and other classroom based on sports technology and innovation in the Euro Region will also be conducted.