1 00:00:46,580 --> 00:00:49,460 Cultural heritage does not respect borders. 2 00:00:49,580 --> 00:00:55,660 A good example of this is the Roman cities of Ammaia in Marvao, Contributa Lulia in Medina de las Torres 3 00:00:55,660 --> 00:00:59,700 and the archaeological remains of Merida and the area of La Serena in Extremadura. 4 00:00:59,860 --> 00:01:04,180 Historical monuments now the focus of cross-border research. 5 00:01:04,300 --> 00:01:07,100 The research consists 6 00:01:07,260 --> 00:01:12,780 of the use of a series of techniques which have as common denominator their non-invasive character, 7 00:01:12,820 --> 00:01:16,420 in other words, they allow us to obtain a lot of information about archaeological sites 8 00:01:16,740 --> 00:01:21,540 without needing to dig them up completely. 9 00:01:26,060 --> 00:01:32,100 The techniques which have been used and which are being used in this project could be divided into two big groups. 10 00:01:32,100 --> 00:01:42,740 First, techniques aimed at analyzing images both from satellites and our own aerial photography devices 11 00:01:42,940 --> 00:01:46,580 and also, on the other hand, different prospection techniques, 12 00:01:46,620 --> 00:01:51,300 both of the subsoil using geophysical methods and surface prospecting. 13 00:01:51,700 --> 00:01:56,660 We have the heritage, the technology and the procedures developed by this project. 14 00:01:56,820 --> 00:01:58,900 Why should we connect them? 15 00:01:58,980 --> 00:02:05,580 To explain it in simple terms, what we want is that archaeological zones like those 16 00:02:05,740 --> 00:02:11,420 we are studying stop being unfriendly places for visitors, 17 00:02:11,620 --> 00:02:16,900 and that visitors find themselves with materials which help them to understand these remains, 18 00:02:17,500 --> 00:02:23,100 to enjoy them, and so to increase the cultural attraction of these places 19 00:02:23,380 --> 00:02:27,060 using the capital of our historical and archaeological heritage. 20 00:02:27,260 --> 00:02:33,940 This means greater enjoyment of our historical legacy on the Spain-Portugal border.